Somos conocidos y respetados por nuestros altos estándares de equidad, integridad y honestidad en nuestras relaciones con nuestros empleados, clientes, proveedores, competidores y la comunidad.
Como esto es tan importante, tenemos un código de conducta comercial que establece nuestras expectativas mínimas para todos los empleados, donde sea que se encuentren. Muestra a nuestros clientes y otras partes interesadas que pueden confiar en nosotros para mantener los más altos estándares de honestidad, justicia e integridad. Ayuda a garantizar que operemos de una manera de la que podamos estar orgullosos y tomar decisiones que nos mantengan exitosos.
En el corazón de nuestro código se encuentra el ethos simple de que siempre cumplimos con la ley. Hay entonces nueve principios que guían nuestra forma de trabajar:
Keeping everyone healthy and safe
We believe no one should be harmed as a result of any work we do – so everyone stays safe and well.
Supporting employees' rights and diversity
We value, support and protect the rights and dignity of the individual and the diversity of our people – so we are all treated with respect.
Maintaining ethical and honest behavior
We are always honest, act with integrity and comply with the law – so everyone trusts us.
Staying free from bribery and corruption
We always make sure we are free from bribery and corruption – so people know our decisions are made for the right reasons.
Keeping our communications open and responsible
We communicate openly, honestly, clearly and responsibly.
Working within the community
We act responsibly and respectfully towards the communities we work in because we're a part of them.
Protecting our environment
We respect and minimize our impact on the environment so we safeguard the future.
Standing up for what's right
We always speak up when we believe our principles are being undermined.
Delivering excellent customer service and working with our suppliers to ensure our standards are adhered to
We work to meet our customers' needs and exceed their expectations so they work with us again and again. We ensure we build constructive relationships with our suppliers and they understand our principles and the standards we operate by.